My name is Jolan, expat from the French Alps, I came to Japan in 2014. After few years working as a lumberjack, here in Nara prefecture, with the help of the locals we started created this project together. An idea that consisted of using the vast forest resources we have in Totsukawa village (96% of the village surface is actually forest cover!) to offer a new type of activity. Somehting unseen in Japan, far from the over-crowded tourist spots, far from the regular steel-made theme parks. Something nature-based to promote wellness and bring back the « city-people » to the forest. The park has a life expextancy of 15 years.

Three reasons why I created Kuuchuu No Mura.

空中の村 読書のんびり屋
空中の村 ぐねぐね橋
空中の村 ツリーハウス

Three Commitments of our Park

空中の村 オーガニックコーヒー 手作りクッキー
空中の村 ウッドチップ
空中の村 宛木