ID | 予約日時 | カレンダー | 状態 |
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利用規約(Terms of Use)
In order to ensure that our guests can use the facility safely and with peace of mind, we have established the following terms of use and disclaimers. Please be sure to check them before making a reservation.
■予約について(About reservations)
・Even if you do not make a reservation, you can use the facility if there is availability on the day, but we recommend that you make a reservation in advance as reservations are given priority.
・Cancellations are generally only accepted by phone.
・No cancellation fee will be charged.
・In the event of bad weather such as a typhoon, heavy rain, thunder, or snow, or a disaster such as an earthquake or fire, we may cancel your reservation at our discretion.
■当日のご利用について(About use on the day)
【お車・駐車場について(About cars and parking)】
Please drive slowly within the facility.
Please refrain from idling for long periods of time in the parking lot.
Parents should supervise and warn their children not to play in or near the parking lot.
Please cooperate with unloading luggage from the parking lot.
We are not responsible for any accidents or troubles that occur in the parking lot.
【ペットについて(Regarding pets)】
Leaving pets in the vehicle is strictly prohibited.
If you have pets, please make sure to keep them on a leash.
【薪ひろいや樹木の伐採について(Regarding firewood gathering and tree cutting)】
Cutting down trees is prohibited within and outside the facility. You may pick up dead branches that have fallen within the facility and use them as fuel, but all mountains outside the facility are owned by landowners. Please refrain from gathering firewood outside the facility.
In addition, please be responsible for supervising children to ensure that they do not break any plants by mistake or mischief.
Please cooperate in protecting the natural environment.
【火の取り扱いについて①(How to handle fire①)】
Open fires are prohibited at this facility, so please be sure to use the designated fire pits. Please also take great care when managing the fire.
Please dispose of any firewood or charcoal that has spilled over from the fire pit properly, and please consult the management office regarding any remaining firewood. Please do not leave it on the site.
Please take any trash home with you without burning it, even if it is a fire pit, or use the trash disposal area located within the facility. Please also cooperate with separating trash.
【火の取り扱いについて②(How to handle fire ②)】
Please smoke in designated areas.
Smoking while walking and littering cigarette butts are strictly prohibited.
Fireworks, rocket fireworks, and fireworks that make loud noises are prohibited.
Please be careful not to disturb other users.
Please be careful when handling fire and cleaning up after use, as they can cause fires.
Please be careful not to disturb the natural environment or other users.
【片づけ・清掃・ゴミの廃棄について(About cleaning, tidying up, and disposing of garbage)】
Please separate your garbage and take it to the designated garbage collection point. (Please refrain from throwing away damaged tents or equipment.)
Please cooperate in restoring the area and equipment you used to their original state.
If the facility is soiled or damaged, you may be required to pay repair costs and business compensation.
【その他のお願い・マナー・禁止事項について(Other requests, manners, and prohibited items)】
Please refrain from making noise or other behavior that may be a nuisance to others.
Please be especially quiet between 9pm and 8am the following morning.
The use of engine-powered generators that make noise is prohibited.
There are some dangerous areas on the premises, including steep slopes.
Please keep an eye on children, and take special care to prevent accidents and injuries.
Do not climb slopes. You are free to bring in alcoholic beverages.
Please be considerate of others when smoking.
Due to safety and facility management, we may ask you to leave if you engage in inappropriate behavior.
The facility takes no responsibility for any accidents, injuries, theft, etc. that occur on the premises.
This facility does not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, reliability, safety, etc. of the contents of this website. Furthermore, we are not responsible for any damages arising from the use of this website.
This facility is not responsible for the following
Accidents, illnesses, injuries, etc. caused by natural disasters such as typhoons, heavy rain, lightning, snow, earthquakes, etc.
Fires, theft, troubles between users, accidents, illnesses, injuries, etc. caused by insects and animals
Loss or damage to items, cash, and valuables brought to this facility by users
Illness or illness caused by food purchased at this facility
Any accidents, illnesses, injuries, etc. that occur to users while using this facility or while entering or leaving the facility
This facility is not responsible for any damages suffered by users due to reasons that are not attributable to this facility. Please note that this is the user’s own responsibility.

空中ウォーク(Tree-top Walk)
The main area of Kuuchuu No Mura. 5 areas connected by net bridges and wooden platforms covering 2 hectares of forest. 4-12m above the ground, hanging bridges, tree-hosues, hammock-style nets are set up, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in another world. Adults and children can enjoy bouncing on the nets, lying down and reading, or doing whatever they wish. Tjhere is even a small cafe in the tree tops.
利用時間 9:00~17:00(受付16時まで)
– Hours of use: 9:00-17:00 (reception until 16:00)
– Reservations are given priority during long holidays. You can experience the experience without a reservation on other weekdays!
– Children under 3 years old are not allowed
– Food and drink can be brought in
– Some facilities cannot be used in rainy weather
Please note that you may get wet. Again, we recommend that you come on a sunny day.
If you are still hesitating ↓
– Coffee break in the tree-tops (included)
– Space for teleworking and free wifi
– A good training for inner muscles
– Limited to 40 people at once
There are various risks, including accidents resulting from encounters with vipers, falling rocks on slopes, fallen trees due to strong winds, accidents caused by gusts of wind, lightning strikes, the risk of children getting lost, car accidents, and the risk of theft.
We accept reservations from those who agree to use the facility at their own risk, while remaining close to nature and assuming all risks.
ペットを連れても大丈夫ですか?(Can I bring in pets?)
Pets are not allowed inside the “Tree-Top Walk” or campsite buildings, but they can be walked on the promenade and grounds. There are places where you can put a leash on your dog. Overnight stays are possible, but please contact us in advance.
1人でも利用可能ですか?(Can I use the facility if I am by myself?)
Yes, the facility can be used by one person.
人数変更・プラン変更は可能ですか?(Can I change the number of people or the plan?)
You can change it by phone up until the day before your visit.
キャンセル料は発生しますか?(Are there any cancellation fees?)
There are no cancellation fees, but if you wish to cancel, please follow the cancellation procedure from the URL included in the reservation email.
お支払い方法は現金のみですか?(Is cash the only payment method?)
We accept cash, electronic money, and local payment by credit card (major international credit card brands). Please ask the reception staff for details.
送迎はありますか?(Is there a shuttle service?)
Sorry, we do not provide a shuttle service.
At Kuchuu no Mura, if you tell the designated rental car shop that you are going to Kuchuu no Mura and then book a rental car, you can rent a car at a cheaper price than usual.
Please see the access page for details.
定員は何名ですか?(How many people can it accommodate?)
The capacity varies depending on the area.
・貸切ツリーハウス 4人
・透明ドーム 4人
・空中テント 3人
・空中ハンモック 5人
– Private tree house: 4 people
– Transparent dome: 4 people
– Aerial tent: 3 people
– Aerial hammock: 5 people
雨天の場合でも利用可能ですか?(Can I use it when it rains?)
Some areas may not be available when it rains.
お風呂・トイレはありますか?(Is there a bathroom and toilet?)
Toilets and shower rooms are shared (2 of each).